OAEM Blog Articles

Blog Article - August 2024

Boots on the Ground Peer Support for First Responders by Sharon Bak (BA, RSSW) coming soon! 

Blog Article- July 2024 

Blog Article - June 2024

About OAEM Blog Articles

Are you a thought leader wanting to share knowledge, insights and perspectives about the evolving and diverse field of emergency management and business continuity in Ontario? Articles should focus on current emergency management and business continuity subjects and be no longer than 750 words. Most of our posts are written in a first-person narrative style to recognize authenticity and encourage a broader reach, but we also welcome research-based posts. Some examples include:

  • Emergency and business continuity events
  • Best-practices and lessons applied
  • Emerging technologies, new tools, skills and tactics for emergency management practitioners
  • Mental health for emergency managers
  • Emerging risks and hazards
  • Community resilience
  • Interoperability

How to submit a Blog? 

  • Submit your blog post to communications@oaem.ca with subject line ‘OAEM Blog Post Request'
  • Attach your post to the email in Word format
  • Provide your name, brief biography (2 to 3 sentences) and headshot


  • Content for the blog post should be original
  • Your post should be at least 400 words and no more than 750 words
  • OAEM’s Communications Team will review and approve all blog posts